Sunday, December 03, 2006

Dr. appt, rocking, real food, winter, Christmas Tree, Santa and Bridal Shower

It's been busy here at the Sutton household. Well last Monday Mallory had her 6 month checkup. She is doing great. Here are her stats:

height: 24 1/4 inches - 5% (for children her height) Thank you Nana and Oma
weight: 14 lbs 8 oz - 25%
head: 16 5/8 inches - 50%

So she is a typical Sutton...Big Head...but small in size:) Just kidding. The dr gave us the ok to allow her table food (aka jar food). She had just been eating cereal (when we remembered to give it to her). She is doing great on solids. 1st we tried carrots and she wasn't too hot about those. She loves peas and the next day she gobbled up almost the whole jar of carrots. Next I think we are going to try sweet potatos. She isn't too sure about mashed up bananas, but we'll keep trying. So far no allergic that is great. She sure loves food though. In a way I feel scared because I'm not sure I'm ready for her to go to this next step...1st baby food then real food then the next thing I know she's 18. She is growing up so fast and it seems like every day she changes so much. Oh well, I'm just glad I'm able to stay home w/ her and see all this stuff.

Here is Mallory NOT enjoying carrots for the 1st time. Now she loves them...I think she was just shocked that it didn't taste like cereal and wasn't to sure what to think about it.

The other day I was eating lunch and everytime I would take a bite Mal would open up her mouth like I was supposed to feed her. It cracked me up so I had to take a picture.

Last Wednesday we got some nasty weather (freezing rain and then snow). So I decided it was time to break out the snowsuit. She doesn't exactly love it but at least I know she isn't going to freeze to death.

I tell ya, she'd be walking before Chistmas if I let her:) Here she is on the changing pad in the crawling position. She has tried to do some rocking...but usually her legs just kind of plop out from underneath her when she tries.

Mallory's 1st Christmas tree. We picked it up on Friday. The house smells great... nothing like cold weather and the smell of pine when you walk in the door.

On Friday Mallory and I meet up w/ Candi and Avery Keown. We had lunch and the girls just about pulled each other down...of course Mallory went straight for the hair:) Poor Avery, she has quick reflexes and did a karate move to get Mal away:) Mallory and Avery also saw Santa. I would post a picture but the nazi charged an arm and a leg and won't let you take your own picture. Let me tell you the girls look least they didn't cry (we'll save that for next year)

Yesterday was my bridal shower. It was wonderful. I can't believe how many people braved the cold and came. I think the babies almost out numbered the adults. It was a great time and very relaxing. I didn't have to dress up in toilet paper or do any crazy things...I think they are saving that for the bachelorette party:)

Things are going great here. I started my new waitressing job and it is helping out a lot. I really enjoy it and it's nice to get out of the house. I really miss Josh and Mallory. I am working evenings so we don't have to get a Josh and I get to see each other for maybe 10 minutes before I have to take off and I usually don't get home until after 10. Josh gets to put Mallory to bed; which also makes me sad because that was my job. Josh is doing great. He is so wonderful w/ Mallory. I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful family and loving finance. I can't wait for January when we get married. Oh yeah, the wedding plans have kind of been put on a hold for a while ($$ issues...weddings are expensive; just elope). but the date is still in January:) We will get it done one way or another.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry I missed the shower. You moved up the time on me and I had an appointment. I am glad you had fun. Mallory is getting so big! She is adorable maybe one day I will meet her before her 20th birthday haha.