Friday, July 07, 2006

4th of July Weekend

Cousin Holly holding Mallory. She is really starting to get the thumb-sucking thing down...thank goodness because it's keeping her quite

Snoozing...isn't she cute

Chillin' w/ the boppy

Today (7/7) was a big day because she took her 1st nap in her crib. When we get back from Rolla we are going to start putting her in there at night.

Enjoying her took a while but she actually likes it now

It was a busy weekend for us. Grandma and grandpa Bidney got into town Saturday afternoon so we got to spend some time w/ them throughout the weekend. Monday we had a BBQ that got rained on but we still had a good time. Mallory was quite the whole night. My 9 I was ready for her to wake up and eat. I couldn't believe she slept the whole night and it was pretty noisy. On the 4th unfortunatly Josh and I didn't get to enjoy fireworks because she was extremely fussy (she was making up for Monday night). It's been a struggle off and on. I believe she has colic and the experts say that it peaks about week 6 or 7 (she's 7 weeks) so it should only get better. My dad bought us the Happiest Baby on the Block book. So far it's given some good tips about keeping the baby quite and why they get colic. It's funny because in the book it says that sometimes the baby gets crying and then she is crying because she is crying and doesn't know why. That is totally Mallory, usually once we get her calmed down she is's the calming down part that is hard. We are off to grandpa Sutton's this weekend. Lots of family to pass Mallory around to. Hopefully the car ride there tonight will go ok. Wish us luck!!!

1 comment:

Micah and Beth said...

I'm glad you got that book. Micah and I swear by that book (Addison was colicky too- and still rather fussy!). Another thing that we got that was a GODSEND is this stuff called GRIPE water. It neutralized her tummy and she loved to eat it. You can get it online if you Google it. That's awesome that she slept then entire night through. Hopefully you'll see some for of that in the future!- Beth