Thursday, January 31, 2008

This is what we have been up to

Before we had our highchair Mallory used to eat at an in table w/ a fold up chair. One time I asked her to sit in her chair so she could she pulled her step stool up to the table to eat. I thought this was too funny.

Mal and dad dancing.

Riding on her new pony from Oma and Papa Dean

There is this awesome gymnastics place where children can go on Mondays and Fridays to waste energy. This place wears her out so much she takes at least a 3 hour nap after.

Look at that cute butt.

Ethan and Mallory...we did not pose this picture.

Mallory jumping w/ Jen and Preston.

Playing basketball w/ Papa John the weekend after New Year's for the Sutton Christmas

Silly dad and Uncle Aaron

Opening presents

Hanging out w/ cousin Mikayla

Playing beans w/ Geegee

Mallory destroying my diaper bag and of course she goes for the money. She's not stupid.

Opening presents at Nana's on Christmas day

Cool sun glasses and training pants in her new chair

Everyone is playing Uno to wind down the day.

Helping Oma w/ the dishes

Riding the rocking horse at G & G Edsalls. This horse is at least 50 years old. My Aunt Anita had it when she was little.

So that's what we have been up to lately. Nothing special...just busy. I'll keep updated posts from here on out.


Hettinger Home said...

Cuteness! It's been too long, I miss you guys! Would you be able to have dinner with us on Feb. 7th on 75th (yes, right by where you used to live)? We're leaving for the ski trip then and are meeting you KC people for dinner ahead of time around 5ish (bus leaves at 7)
We'll talk!

Preston and Ashten's World said...

love playing with ya at the gymnastics place....very cool!